No business grows without a steady stream of leads.

Infinite List is the premier membership community that empowers coaches, infopreneurs, and entrepreneurs to enhance their list-building efforts through curated Giveaways, comprehensive lead magnet training, live coaching calls, and a vibrant supportive community.
Become a Member
Michael Neeley & Krista Inochovsky
Without a steady influx of new leads, you're missing out on growth opportunities and leaving money on the table.
"We all know that the money is in our list. So what does that mean exactly? It means that the strength of your business is determined by the strength of your list and therefore we must constantly build it, build it and build it some more. Infinite list makes the process so easy, so straightforward and so effective - joining was my easiest business decision all year."

Ridgely Goldsborough
Co-creator of &
Co-founder of &
Your ideal clients are out there looking for you... You've just got to put yourself where they're looking.
At the Infinite List, getting you in front of the right people at the right time is what we do best!

We help entrepreneurs grow their list through greater exposure for their lead magnet - because if no one is seeing you, you can be sure that no one is buying from you!
Let's Get Started!
Infinite List
The #1 List-Building Membership Community in the World!

An entrepreneur's journey is full of twists and turns, hills and valleys...
You need a great vehicle to get you there with ease and speed...
The Infinite List is built for your road to success!
“One of the best ways I have grown my list from zero to over 4K in under 2 years is by being part of various giveaways as well as hosting my own. Michael Neeley and his team have helped me with every aspect along the way, from creating lead-magnets that convert to choosing which bundles are the best fit. Giveaways are a must for business growth, and the Infinite List does them better than anyone else!”

Connie Whitman
Founder of Changing the Sales Game
Host of Enlightenment of Change

What do I get with Membership?
Participate in Giveaways
Get exposure to hundreds of thousands of viewers through playing in dozens of giveaways year after year!
($2,000 value)
Lead-Magnet Magnificence
Get comprehensive training on creating a high-converting lead-magnet to attract more people than ever before.
($997 value)
Host Your Own Giveaway
Let the Infinite List Team craft your pages, write your copy, wrangle your experts, and track your leads for you. ($2,997 value)
Ongoing Expert Support 
3 monthly Ask Me Anything calls where you can get support with your lead-magnets, opt-in pages, email campaigns, and MORE!
($3,600 value)
Community Networking
2 community calls each month where you'll get to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and build better business relationships.
Affiliate Partnership
With 30% lifetime commissions on referrals, you can add $100's or even $1,000's to your bottom-line by helping others like you.
Let's Get Going!
Just getting started? Don't worry... we've got you covered!
What is a Giveaway?
A Giveaway is a collection of free gifts, usually lead-magnets, presented by a variety of contributing guest experts and curated by a single host.
Join hundreds of other savvy entrepreneurs like yourself, participating in the highly targeted giveaways being run by the Infinite List.
Still not sure if you’re ready?

We get it, list-building can be overwhelming. You might be wondering, "Where do I start? How do I grow my list from nothing?" Guess what? . . . . . We all started with the same list size (zero, in case you were wondering).

We feel you. We've been there. And we remember how grateful we were when someone helped us out.

Sure, we've got some really high-rollers in our ranks (that's the technical term for people with a list of more than 50,000), but even those of us who've been at it for years know the value of supporting others following our path.

Call it paying it forward, if you want, but we like to think of it like John D. Rockefeller when he said "I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own".

The Infinite List provides the digital training to teach you step-by-step how to build a highly converting lead magnet; we offer live coaching and community connection; and most importantly, the Infinite List is the platform that gets your lead magnet seen by thousands of people interested in your topic of expertise!

So, whether you're just starting out or looking to take your list-building to the next level, remember this: Your email list is an invaluable asset that can drive your business forward like nothing else. Treat it with respect, provide value, and watch your business thrive.
Become a Member Now
Here's what the 8-Figure Pros have to say...
Jef f Walker

"Rule #1 - Only Sell Stuff the Market Really Wants; and Rule #2 - Always Be Building Your List!"

 Amy Porterfield 

 "After 13 years in business, 46,000 students, and $43 million in revenue, I can confidently say — when your email list grows, your business grows with it. "

 Alex Hormozi 

"If you always know how to get more leads, it gives you endless chances to get it right!"

What our members are raving about...
Ridgely Goldsborough
Co-Founder of Partner Attraction Formula &
David Riklan
Founder of &
Co-Founder of JV Directory

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Christie Ruffino
Founder of Mastery Unleashed Coaching

Paul Finck
The Maverick Millionaire
Founder of Maverick Universe
Pick a Plan to Participate
We all know that your list-building efforts should be ongoing... the question is simply this - How big do you want to play?
Most Popular
Ideal for someone who only wants to participate in 2 or 3 giveaways per year at the basic level.
Lifetime Access
No Monthly Fees EVER!
Giveaway Training
1 Group Call/Month
Pay-as-you-go Giveaways
Store 1 Lead-Magnet
10% Affiliate Commissions
$50 Off Your 1st Giveaway! *
Upgrade your account at any time.
* Valid for 90 Days
Ideal for someone who gets the value of giveaways and wants to grow their list rapidly and continuously.
$250 / $125
1st Month / Monthly
Save $275 by paying annually
 List-Building Bootcamp 
5  Group Calls/Month
 Single Tokens
Up to 24 Giveaways/Year
Store 1-4 Lead-Magnets
1 Hosted Giveaway/Year (for qualified members)
30% Lifetime Affiliate Commissions
Upgrade, pause, or downgrade your account or switch between monthly and annual billing on a limited basis.
Invest Annually and Save $275!
Only $1350 First Year
Ideal for entrepreneurs with big lists who understand the value of maximizing list-growth efforts and how to convert new leads into buyers with ease.
$350 / $200
1st Month / Monthly
Save $450 by paying annually
 List-Building Bootcamp 
5  Group Calls/Month
 Double Tokens
Unlimited Giveaways
Store 1-4 Lead-Magnets
2+ Hosted Giveaway/Year (for qualified members)
30% Lifetime Affiliate Commissions
Tier 2 Lifetime Commissions of 10%
Evergreen Giveaway Setup
Downgrade or pause your account or switch between monthly and annual billing on a limited basis.
Invest Annually and Save $450!
Only $2100 First Year
 Participate in 12 Giveaways or more Each Year > $3,000
Have Infinite List Run Your Giveaway for You > $2,997
Bi-Monthly Community Membership Calls > $3,600
Tri-Monthly Ask-Me-Anything Coaching Calls > $3,600
15-Module List-Building Bootcamp Training > $ 997

But what if it won't work for me?
Truth is... it might NOT work for you - the same way a gym membership won't work for someone who doesn't actually GO to the gym.
BUT... we're SO confident that it WILL work if you actually follow our plan, that we'll put our money where our mouth is with our 1-Year Performance Guarantee.
Our "Money Where Out Mouth Is" Guarantee!
You make this investment at no risk, because you’re covered by our 1-Year 100% performance guarantee: if, within 12 months after you have enrolled and participated in at least 8 giveaways and your payments are in good standing, you have not grown your list by at least 2,000 new leads (that's an average investment of less than 81¢ per lead), just show us your before-and-after list size, and you can continue your membership at no charge until we've delivered the number of leads we have promised.
"Logical" thinkers look at it like this...
  Facebook Users have reported varying numbers when it comes to the CPL (Cost Per Lead), but none that we have seen fall under $5/lead.  
 At that rate, 2,000 leads would cost you over $10,000... or you can join the Infinite List for the whole year for less than 1/5th of that amount.  
And "Savvy Entrepreneurs" break down the math...
 Even at a measly 2% conversion rate, 2,000 leads would equate to 40 new sales. 
  If each new sale is worth $1,615 (average CLV - Customer Lifetime Value), then...  
 40 new sales would amount to quite a bankroll!
$64,600 over the lifetime of those customers. 
 And a $64,600 return on an annual investment of only $1,625 is a PHENOMENAL no-brainer! 
 Of course, you've got to know your own conversion rate as well as your CLV, and if you don't... that would be a good next-step to uplevel your game.
But if you do, then you'll know what a great list-building strategy can do for your business, and you'll jump in quickly.
The example above is an estimate and should be noted that there is no guarantee with regard to actual sales. The Infinite List is great for getting you leads, but it is up to you to convert them into buying customers. If you are not set up for making the sale, no number of leads will generate results.

Who we are...
Michael Neeley
Founder / CEO

Michael has been running giveaways for his own business and his clients for years and created the Infinite List to make the whole process easier, more cost-effective, and more FUN!

He's the guy who diligently works to build the community, maximize your results, and is constantly striving to make your member experience top-notch!

Krista Inochovsky
Chief Membership Officer

Krista is our Director of Member Experience and she is your go-to gal for getting your own giveaway on the calendar and learning the "ropes" of playing all out.

You can count on her to support your efforts in filling your giveaway, enrolling new members, and having a great time being in our community.

The Strategy the Pros Use...
Giveaways are highly targeted to warm leads, resulting in better conversions and a lower cost per lead which means...
More profitability!
Entrepreneurs with large lists know that only 1% will ever buy from them.
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In order to increase their revenue they MUST continually be growing their list.
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To maximize their profit they must minimize their Cost Per Lead (CPL).
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